Floyd Emil Carlson

Truck Driver.

Far: Axel Emil Carlson (1886 - 1967)
Mor: Karin Elisabeth Beijer (1894 - 1968)

Född: 1919-11-04 Oakland Nebraska
Död: 1995-03-02 Oakland Nebraska

Familj med Lillian Bossow (1920 - )

Vigsel: 1939-09-07 West Point Nebraska

Floyd Raymond Carlson (1940 - )
Robert Earl Carlson (1945 - 1977)
Rodney Lee Carlson (1947 - )
Phyllis Jean Carlson (1950 - )
Randall Scott Carlson (1962 - )

Volunteer fireman for years
Liked to play cards
Celebrated 50 years of marriage

Have newsclipping of recognitions
Newsclipping of obit

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Skapad av MinSläkt 3.4, Programmet tillhör: Jörgen Bruzell